Child Pedestrian Safety in Bishkek

“Pedestrian Safety for Children in Bishkek”

Today, on November 14, 2018, an event was held within the framework of the project “Pedestrian Safety for Children in Bishkek”.

In the first part, the floor was given to the British Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Robin Ord Smith, where he expressed his interest in this issue: “We also have traffic issues in the UK and we have some experience to share with Kyrgyzstan in addressing them. Simple and small solutions can make big difference on the roads» And also an international expert in road engineering, Matt Chamberlain shared innovative methods of engineering solutions for road safety: «Cities are growing and motorisation is growing – this is putting more pressure on infrastructure”.

In the second part, there was a discussion of the Working Group on project “Children-pedestrians Safety in Bishkek in the framework of the project“ Smart City ”, and 5 intersections were identified which are the most dangerous for children.